Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pantai Tablolong: Deep Inside...

Bagi orang Kupang, pantai Tablolong lebih dikenal daerah untuk mancing. Memang letak pantai Tablolong yang hampir berada di ujung pulau Timor dan berhadapan langsung dengan pulau Semau sering dijadikan lomba mancing. Lokasi pantai Tablolong memang cukup jauh, dari kota Kupang perjalananan ke sana dapat ditempuh sekitar setengah jam menggunakan kendaraan pribadi dengan jarak jangkau sekitar 23 Km. Setahu saya tidak ada kendaraan umum yang melewati sampai kesana, sehingga pilihan masuk akal kalau bukan kendaraan pribadi ya memanfaatkan jasa ojek yang cukup marak di Kupang.

Pantai Mbuu: Scenery Ende Ada Disini

Sudah beberapa kali saya ke Ende, bahkan kalo sekedar lewat untuk perjalanan ke kota lain di Flores bisa dibilang sangat sering. Ende seperti menjadi pintu untuk melakukan perjalanan ke kota lain khususnya ke arah barat Flores seperti ke ke kota Mbay, Bajawa atau mau ke Ruteng. Karena untuk daratan Flores, hanya bandara di Maumere dan Ende yang ada penerbangan tiap harinya.

Meskipun begitu, pantai Mbuu yang sebenarnya dekat dari Ende baru beberapa bulan yang lalu sempat saya kunjungi. Memang bagi sebagian orang Ende sendiri, pantai Mbuu sendiri bisa dibilang tidak ada yang begitu istimewa. Disana justru yang tiap hari ramai adalah kegiatan penambangan batu dan pasir. Bayangkan! kegiatan penambangan di area yang ditulis di depan gerbang masuknya Tempat Wisata Pantai Mbuu, hah!!

Potensi Terlupakan: Air Terjun Ogi

Beberapa waktu kemarin saya menyempatkan diri mengunjungi beberapa situs yang memuat tentang tempat wisata di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Beberapa situs memberikan informasi yang cukup bagus namun lebih banyak yang penulisannya agak kacau kalau tidak boleh saya bilang kopas (kopi-paste) dari sana-sini tanpa memperhatikan keterkaitan antar kalimatnya.

Kampung Megalit Bena

Kampung Megalit BenaKampung Bena, adalah salah satu perkampungan megalit(ikum) yang terletak di Kabupaten Ngada. Tepatnya di Desa Tiwuriwu, Kecamatan Aimere, sekitar 19 km selatan Bajawa.
Kampung yang terletak di puncak bukit dengan view gunung Inerie. Keberadaannya di bawah gunung merupakan ciri khas masyarakat lama pemuja gunung sebagai tempat para dewa. Menurut penduduk kampung ini, mereka meyakini keberadaan Yeta, dewa yang bersinggasana di gunung ini yang melindungi kampung mereka.
Kampung ini saat ini terdiri kurang lebih 40 buah rumah yang saling mengelilingi. Badan kampung tumbuh memanjang, dari utara ke selatan. Pintu masuk kampung hanya dari utara. Sementara ujung lainnya di bagian selatan sudah merupakan puncak sekaligus tepi tebing terjal.
Oh ya, karena sudah masuk dalam daerah tujuan wisata Kabupaten Ngada jadi kalau masuk ke sana jangan lupa isi dulu buku tamu. Syukur-syukur dilihat dulu. Ternyata kampung ini menjadi langganan tetap wisatawan dari Jerman dan Italia.

Maumere - Sumur: after tsunami '92

Anggaplah ini sebuah foto dedikasi untuk mengenang bencana mirip tsunami yang pernah melanda pulau Flores tahun 1992.
Meskipun secara skala bencana itu jauh lebih kecil daripada tsunami yang melanda Aceh, tetaplah bencana selalu menyisakan duka yang belum tentu hilang sampai sekarang.
Ini adalah sumur yang ternyata masih berdiri setelah bencana itu, di samping sisa-sisa puing yang keberadaan masih bisa dilihat sampai saat ini.
Beberapa view yang diambil dari maumere dapat anda kunjungi di situs foto Flickrku

Larantuka: Kota Seribu Kapel

Mengunjungi pulau Flores rasanya belum lengkap tanpa menyentuh kota Larantuka, ibukota dari Kabupaten Flores Timur. Sesuai dengan nama kabupatennya, kota ini memang terletak paling timur dari pulau Flores dimana kepala naga Flores berada.

Oenesu: Panorama Sejuk di Tengah Teriknya Kupang


Bagian kecil dari Suasana pedesaan Bali disaat2 kesibukan mereka mempersiapkan Hari raya galungan

Di Ketinggian Kota Bajawa (1)

Sungai Waewoki diambil pada waktu menjelang petang pukul 18.12 dengan bukaan selama 13 detik
Pesawat mendarat di bandara Turulelo Soa sekitar pukul 8 pagi, cukup cerah untuk dinikmati. Hawa sejuk cenderung dingin langsung menyergap kami, ketinggian 1.100 meter di atas permukaan laut membuat kota ini selalu diselimuti dingin apalagi pada bulan Juni-Juli. Beberapa lelaki hidir mudik di ruangan tunggu kedatangan menawarkan angkutan menuju kota Bajawa. Kebetulan karena kami sedang dalam tugas sehingga sudah ada yang menjemput kami, namun apabila tidak ada yang menjemput dengan biaya sekitar 50ribu-an sebuah mobil berplat hitam dapat mengantarkan anda ke ibukota Kabupaten Ngada ini.

Blora: Dari Pacaran Sampai Jagung Bakar

Pas malam minggu kemarin aku sempatkan jalan-jalan di sekitar alun-alun Blora. Bagi yang belum mengenal kota Blora, ini adalah kabupaten yang terletak di sebelah timur Semarang (ibukota Jawa Tengah) setelah kabupaten Grobogan. Kota Blora termasuk kota kecil di Jawa Tengah. Jadi jangan bandingkan kota Blora dengan kota-kota di Jawa Tengah yang tergolong besar seperti Solo, Tegal, Kudus dan beberapa kota lain. Catatan terakhir yang aku temui, kota Blora saat ini berpenduduk sekitar satu jutaan (ini angka kasar lho). Jika ingin mendapatkan gambaran teknis kota Blora, silahkan mengunjungi situs pemda Blora.

Natural Beauty of Curug Sewu Water Fall

Curug Sewu Water Fall located in area Sala Endah, Jawa Barat. . This waterfall not only offers natural beauty but also challenge for can come near it. Every one likes this place because have a natural beauty and trek field offering separate challenge.
Curug Sewu has separate fascination. Some part of journeys of towards the location is has challenged, in the form of as of steep tread and smooth. The main fascination of Curug Seribu Water Fall is the height of those waterfalls reach 100 meters with big water effusing.

Lombok Island, The Unspoiled Bali

From the silence of the top of Rinjani mountain until the peacefulness of blue cobble dwelt in foot of Gili Trawangan, it likely has not yet enough to depict the beauty of an island recognized as Lombok island.
Even the popularity of the island has just started in two last decade, many people said that Lombok is not least interesting than Bali, its neighbourg. Foreign countries tourist generally went to Lombok after visiting Bali.

Hotel in Bromo

Located in the very portal of East Java’s most exciting tourist attractions is Mount Bromo. This volcano stands in the center of desolate sea of sand caldera, luring visitors from arround the globe.

A Note If You Want to Visit Ijen

The journey to Ijen as far as three kilometers can be achieved by all people, adults and childrens with healthy bodies. The journey starts at a small path of Pal Tud­ing where many cottages managed by the Ministry of Forestry are available. The journey usually takes 1.5 to 2 hours walk to Ijen Crater.

Senja di Kawaliwu (Sunset on Kawaliwu)

Sudah hampir empat minggu atau sebulan saya berada di kota Larantuka, dalam rangka tugas kantor tentunya. Ibukota dari Flores Timur memang terasa kecil dibanding kota-kota lain di Jawa, bukan hanya kota-kota di Jawa bahkan dengan kota-kota di Nusa Tenggara Timur, Larantuka masih terasa sebagai kota kecil.

Nasi Tumpeng

Tumpeng adalah hidangan tradisional khas Jawa yang terbuat dari nasi yang dimasak bersama santan dan dibentuk menjadi kerucut yang menyerupai gunung.sekelilingnya dihias dengan sayuran dan lauk pauk.
Biasanya dihidangkan ketika ada acara seremonial/upacara tertentu.Misalnya acara selamatan Pernikahan, Khitanan,Bersih Desa/Merti Bumi, bahkan untuk ulang tahun dan peresmian/pembukaan suatu tempat.
Puncak kerucut sebagai simbol Tuhan.Sayuran dan lauk pauk yang mengelilinginya sebagai simbol alam dan lingkungannya. Warna Kuning pada nasi menandakan tingginya kekayaan dan kemuliaan.

Accompany Dusk

Pemandangan senja hari diambil dari pantai Namosain, Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur

Kawah Ijen: Peluang bisnis sektor wisata alam

Kawah Ijen: Peluang bisnis sektor wisata alam
Kawah  Ijen terletak di Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur–Indonesia. Kawasan ini pernah  dipublikasikan oleh Tayangan Ushuwaia Adventure sebagai tempat wisata  yang eksotik sampai ke Negara Perancis.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Air Terjun Oehala (Oehala Waterfall)

Tidak berada jauh dari kota SoE, air terjun Oehala menawarkan suasana yang cukup menjanjikan untuk melepas penat dan menikmati kesegaran alam yang masih asri. Dinginnya air terjun dan view yang sungguh indah dari air terjun ini seolah kontras dari udara pulau Timor yang terkenal panas, terutama pada bulan Oktober seperti ini.

Danau Ranamese: Keheningan

Danau Ranamese, siapapun yang pernah melakukan perjalanan darat ke kota Ruteng pasti pernah melewati tempat ini. Danau Ranamese memang terletak di tepi jalan raya antara Ruteng (Kabupaten Manggarai) dan Borong (Kabupaten Manggarai Timur) dan masih termasuk dalam lingkup wilayah Kabupaten Manggarai Timur. Meski demikian, perjalanan ke danau ini lebih dekat ditempuh melalui Ruteng dengan jarak sekitar 30 km.

Manggarai Barat: Menuju Ikon Dunia

View dermaga Labuan Bajo senja hari dari Puncak Waringin (picture taken 29/11/2010 18:39:36)

Bagi yang pernah singgah di Labuan Bajo, tidak akan heran bila mengetahui bahwa Labuan Bajo, ibukota dari Kabupaten Manggarai Barat ini memiliki hotel berbintang yang lebih banyak daripada hotel di Kupang, ibukota dari Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Sebuah alam yang menjanjikan wisata alam luar biasa, potensi yang mulai dilirik olah para investor baik dalam negeri maupun investor asing.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Samba Villas

Samba Villas 
Samba villas takes it's place on beach front Gili Tawangan as the only villa style accommo dation, it has clean lines and sophisticated finish, bringing style comfort and practicality to your paradise island.
Originally home only to handfull of fisher man, it is surrounded by underwater coral garden while being framed with tropical palm and blooms.
whether your holiday focuses indiving, island hopping, or simply relaxing in the sun, Samba Villas offers a perfect base as an Indonesian family owned and run operation, attention to each and every guest gives you truly unique experience at the same time as supporting local business.

Gili Trawangan

There is no place which no people never visited than Gili Trawangan, because it’s likely a journey towards heaven. The landscape of Gili Trawangan, either undersea or surface, is very beautiful.
The local inhabitants take care the originality of the island lying at west of Lombok. Therefore motorcycles are prohibited in this area. Along the sandy pathway shifted the resident area to the beach, we only see footsteps, bicycle wheel, or delman.
Restaurant, shop souvenir, diving facilities, ten of cheap relative inn are spread over alongside this pathway.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

footwear series

shoot of balinese in ceremonial activity...
ekslusive shoot for the foot, harmony line in togetherness of social life
when the people enjoy the rest time after ceremony...



Balinese girls portait in daily activity...

Life Direction


This folder show you the direction of balinese people picture
The time cannot stop Balinese to keep pray and run the tradition.
Dance,keep waiting ,walk in orning silence and join the social thing..
Just the one direction..
Pray to the god

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Eksotika Alam Sumba dan Marapu

Pantai Watumandorak, warna torquis (hijau kebiruan) begitu mendominasi warna air laut

Pantai Watumandorak dengan paduan alamnya yang eksotis
Menyebut Sumba seperti menyebut kata kuda itu sendiri. Begitulah kentalnya kuda sebagai bagian dari Sumba, seolah-olah semangat dan kekuatan kuda melahirkan putra-putra Sumba.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Apparel Region Region

Pakaian daerah Bali sesungguhnya sangat bervariasi, meskipun secara selintas kelihatannya sama. Masing-masing daerah di Bali mempunyai ciri khas simbolik dan ornamen, berdasarkan kegiatan/upacara, jenis kelamin dan umur penggunanya. Status sosial dan ekonomi seseorang dapat diketahui berdasarkan corak busana dan ornamen perhiasan yang dipakainya.

Bali Culture Culture

A set of Balinese gamelan.
Balinese traditional music has similarities with traditional music in many other areas in Indonesia, for example in the use of the gamelan and various other percussion musical instruments. Nevertheless, there are peculiarities in the technique of playing and his composition, for example in the form kecak, namely a form of singing that supposedly mimic monkeys. Similarly, a variety of gamelan are played even unique, for example Jegog Gamelan, Gamelan Gong Gede, Gambang Gamelan, Gamelan Gamelan Semar Selunding and Pegulingan. There is also music playing for ceremonies Ngaben Angklung and Bebonangan music played in a variety of other ceremonies.
There is a modern form of traditional music of Bali, for example Gamelan Gong Kebyar which is a dance music that developed during the Dutch colonial period and Joged tube which became popular in Bali since the 1950's era. Generally, Balinese music is a combination of various metal percussion instruments (metallophone), gongs and wooden percussion (xylophone). Because social relations, politics and culture, traditional music of Bali or Balinese gamelan game influence or affect each other cultures in the surrounding area, such as traditional music community in Banyuwangi and the traditional music of Lombok.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Our Island Reef Cruise offers a full day’s activities - above and below the water. The luxury Bali Hai II catamaran moors alongside our purpose-built pontoon in peaceful Lembongan Bay.

See the island’s exotic marine life and colourful corals from the comfort of our semi-submersible coral viewer.

Try snorkeling for a closer look or enjoy a host of other activities: unlimited banana boat rides, a cultural tour of the island or our exciting 35 metre waterslide. And when you’ve worked up an appetite, feast on a delicious buffet served in air-conditioned comfort.

Departs at 9.15am - Returns at 4:15pm
Price : US$95
Children 4 to 14 years half fare
Infants under 4 years free
Family Package : 2 adults + max 3 children (4 to 14 years) is available. Please contact us for more information.

Air-conditioned hotel transfers
Return transfers to Lembongan Island aboard the luxurious catamaran Bali Hai II
Morning/afternoon tea and snacks
International Buffet Lunch
Semi Submersible Coral Viewer
Village excursion
Unlimited banana boat rides
Snorkeling equipment and instruction
35m Water Slide
Diving Board


Sail away into paradise aboard Aristocat - The Luxury Sailing Catamaran. This stunning 64ft vessel is equipped to the highest standards and departs from Benoa Harbour to the idyllic isle of Lembongan, off the south-east coast of Bali, where you can experience the unspoilt charms of a peaceful tropical island. Enjoy a day in the pristine bay at Bali Hai Cruises private Beach Club, where you can relax on golden sand, lie back in the shade of tranquil gardens or cool off in a lagoon pool.

Complimentary soft drinks and refreshments are available on board Aristocat. At the Beach Club enjoy an appetizing BBQ lunch grilled at our poolside cabana, which includes salads, steaks and fresh fish. After lunch, join a guided village tour of this small unspoiled island, home to seaweed farmers.

The Aristocat offers an array of water sports activities, including banana boat rides, pool volley ball, snorkeling and semi submersible coral viewer. Other water sports options include a parasailing adventure which will take you high above the water for a birds’ eye view of the island and scuba diving. Certified divers may travel further a field to experience life beneath the waves in this vibrant ocean channel.

And when the day is done, Aristocat makes a leisurely cruise back to Benoa Harbour, arriving as the sun sets on another glorious day in paradise.

Departs at 9.00am
Returns at 6:00pm (sunset)
Price : US$98
Children 8-14 years : US$66

Air-conditioned Hotel Transfers
Sail to Beach Club
Morning Tea/Coffee and Snacks
BBQ Lunch
Snorkeling Equipment and Instruction
Beach/Pool Games
Children’s Activities
Banana Boat Rides
Village Excursion
Sea Kayaks
Complimentary soft drinks during sailing
1x vouchers during lunch for wine, beer or soft drinks
Under-water viewing chamber, semi-submarine, towel, locker

Experience the unspoilt charms of a peaceful tropical island with our Beach Club Cruise. After cruising in comfort to Lembongan Island aboard our luxury catamaran Bali Hai II, you are transferred to our private Beach Club only minutes away. Here you can relax on golden sands, lie back in the shade of the tranquil gardens, or cool off in our lagoon pool. If the mood takes you, an array of activities includes pool volleyball, banana boat rides, snorkeling and island excursions. And to add to the tropical atmosphere there is an appetizing BBQ lunch, which includes salads and fresh fish grilled at our pool-side cabana.

Departs at 9.15am - Returns at 4.15pm
Price : US$95
Children 4 to 14 years half fare
Infants under 4 years free
Family Package: 2 adults + max 3 children (4 to 14 years) is available. Please contact us for more information.

Air-conditioned hotel transfers
Morning/afternoon tea and snacks
BBQ Lunch
Snorkeling equipment and tours
Beach/pool games
Children’s Club
Unlimited banana boat rides
Village excursion
Sea Kayaks
Semi Submersible Coral Viewer

And lot of other activities, visit for more information.
And contact us to got a special price :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011



This page about one of ritual in ceremonial process
Art always perfom in Balinese ceremonial….art is a line of life for Balinese ritual
Colour,dance flower and social life picturing Balinese culture is a full of good taste of art

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Madakaripura Waterfall

Near the village of Sapeh, district of Lumbang, about 33 km to the north east of Probolinggo, there is a spectacular waterfall known as Madakaripura. It is hidden in the dense forest of the mountain range of Tengger. It is very inspiring and adds the excitement of your visit to Mt. Bromo.

Kampung Naga

The Kampung Naga was the traditional settlement widely the area approximately 4 ha. The location of the Kampung Naga tourist attraction was located in the part of the highway that connected Tasikmalaya - Bandung went through Garut, that is approximately in kilometre to 30 to the west of the Tasikmalaya city. Administratively the Kampung Naga including the Kampung Legok Dage Vilage Neglasari district Salawu regency Tasikmalaya

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Long ago, on a step hillside between the mountain and the sea on the splendid island of Bali, there once lived a village of people renowned for their believe to God and their love for nature. They considered all the wild animals and plants to be their friends. In those days there were many deer and few people. And tigers never bothered the village. They lived together in peace and harmony.

Home to hundreds amazing animals representing more than 50 species, including some of rare and endangered species. Combining Balinese cultural ambience with African Savannah, Bali Safari and Marine Park featuresthe following exhibits featuring Sumatran elephant, Sumatran tiger, white tiger, leopard, komodo dragon and cheetah are just some of the fascinating creatures that can be seen at the Bali Safari and Marine Park.
Fulfilling its mission of conservation, education and recreation through one of our attractive Elephant Show devoted to animals involved in conservation and education projects and so much more excitement by riding the elephant with our Elephant Back Safari around the African Savannah and get to see your favorite animal up close! in Animal Encounter make the Bali Safari and Marine Park's leading familiy attraction and adventure in Bali.
Taman Safari Indonesia is a member of WAZA (The World Associations of Zoo and Aquariums), SEAZA (The South East Asians Zoo Associations), CBSG (Conservations Breeding Specialist Group) and PKBSI (Indonesia Zoological Parks Associations).

Bali Safari and Marine Park is the leader of having new concepts in Zoo design where Safari, open Zoo and culture blended into a wonderful haven for animals..

Safari Journey
Our exciting and adventurous Safari Journey is one of our signature activities here at the park that takes the visitor through the habitats of Indonesia, India and Africa.

Coming face to face with many animals, the visitor has the opportunity to see our wildlife living naturally all together in these open range regions and you get to take as many photos as you like, all from the comfort and safety of your air conditioned safari tram, with your very own personal guide!

Get ‘up close’ and personal with the animals as they approach your window side. Take pleasure when you plunge into ‘Lake Manyara’ where the Hippopotamus hang out all day to keep cool, get close enough to count the zebra’s stripes, enter the Lion’s den if you dare! Do your best to spot the tigers hiding in the dense jungle and be captivated by the enormous size of our male White Rhinoceros named Nelson.

We proudly invite you to come and experience the riches of wildlife right here at the Bali Safari & Marine Park’s beautifully landscaped natural habitat setting that is home to our many magnificent animals.

Your personal Safari guides are awaiting your arrival, so please be sure to bring all your wildlife questions along with you and our guides will be happy to help you learn more about the wonderful world of animals the next time you visit us here at the park.